Structure Leads to Sanity

Dogs are creatures of habit. When your dog has a clear and consistent routine, it allows them to relax because they know:
a) what will come next in their day,
b) that you have control over the situation, and
c) that they do not need to worry about their day.
With structure, you can have a calm and relaxed dog. Without it, you can expect chaos, anxious energy, and problem behaviors.

So how do we create structure for our dogs, especially when everyone’s routines are inconsistent right now? Go back to your normal daily routine before the Safer At Home order was put in place. If your dog was crated while you went to work, start doing so again while you’re home. If you would come home for a lunch walk, start doing a midday walk again. If you used to practice some training in the evenings, start adding in a few minutes each day. If you let your dog run crazy through the house all day… maybe it’s time to start implementing some of these routines.

Most people will be on board with reinstating structure, especially if it helps ease their own stress level, too. The hardest point to get owners on board with, however, is crating their dog during the day while they’re working from home. We get it -you feel bad leaving them locked up when they could be snuggling at your feet, especially when they flash those puppy eyes your way. However, let’s not think about it in terms of feelings, but in terms of need. Your dog needs a calm space to recharge mentally and physically. Your dog needs structure, and giving them that time in their crate provides it more than letting them aimlessly roam around the house looking for something to get into. Your dog needs to know what to expect from their day in order to feel relaxed, and if you take away the routine of kenneling during the day, you’ve taken away a huge part of their routine. Your dog needs boundaries, and the crate is a perfect way to establish them. And let’s not forget your needs: you need to focus on your job, your kids, and your sanity without also worrying about the dog all day.

So even though it might be hard and uncomfortable, pick one thing that you can do today to add structure to your dog’s day. You might find that the structure helps add some peace to your day, as well.