If something isn’t working, switch it up!

If something isn’t working, switch it up!

Yesterday was a tough day for me. I lacked any motivation to get work done, so other than my virtual workout with Crossfit Connex, I had a very unproductive day. Instead of staring at the computer forcing myself to come up with programming ideas (which I did for about two hours), I took the day off. I did a puzzle, I started a new batch of Kombucha, and I took my dog to a local park to goof around.
Today I moved to a new spot in the house, set a goal to write two sections of my training manual, and found some new music to listen to. And I am feeling motivated, inspired, and excited to write today. All I had to do was switch it up when things weren’t working.

This is so true for training. If you are trying to teach your dog something and it just isn’t working, switch it up! Take a break, try using a different treat, try it in a different environment, ask someone else to help. Don’t struggle through something because you feel like you should. If you’re not seeing results, take a step back and figure out how to change it to make it fun again.