How much are you feeding your dog?

Let’s talk about portion sizes. How much is your “scoop” of food? A scoop to you might be 8 ounces, a scoop to me two overflowing cups, and a scoop to the guy down the street might be a handful.

In order to make sure that your dog is getting the proper nutrients that it needs, we really need to be looking at portion sizes on the food label. This will show you how much to feed your dog based either on your dog’s weight or kcals per serving. Here’s a more in-depth explanation from the Cummings Veterinary Medical Center:

Don’t guess how much to feed your dog. Age, breed, and activity level are all factors when determining how much to feed your dog. Just like humans, dogs need the proper nutrients to fuel their day. But too much food, and you will start to notice weight gain which could lead to decreased energy, joint pain, and a multitude of other health issues.

If you’re not sure, ask your vet. They know your dog’s health history and will be able to give you the best advice to keep your dog happy and healthy.