Working on patience

Theo is all about escaping discomfort.

If he hears a loud noise, he tries to run away. If he’s feeling needy, he pushes into your arm for attention. If he’s in the crate, he wants out. If he’s out of the crate, he wants in.

He needs to not only understand that he can’t escape everything (it’s not a safe option!), but that I will keep him safe and help him through everything that is uncomfortable. Today, that means learning to relax in the crate with the door open. No bolting out, no running, no clinging to me for comfort. Simply learning how to get comfortable and relax in this moment.

This is no easy task. It takes time and patience to really work through these struggles. How often do we personally practice accepting things that make us uncomfortable and try to grow through them? It’s much easier for me to be on this side of the camera, that’s for sure.