The truth about dog training: not every dog needs training. But every dog deserves training.
Let me explain.
There are some dogs that simply need training because their behavior and energy is too much to handle. They’re destructive, they don’t listen at all, and they act like the own every room they walk into. Those dogs NEED training.
Then there are dogs that are pretty well behaved. Maybe even really well behaved. So their owners simply deal with any problem behaviors that come up because they’re not “that bad”. But those behaviors may still limit what you do with your dog.
Those behaviors may keep your dog at home instead of running errands with you. They could mean that your dog stays in the crate when guests come over. They could really stress you out when you walk past another dog and yours loses all focus.
Living in a human world is weird and confusing for dogs. There’s a whole lot of sights, sounds, and smells that we need to teach our dogs how to respond to. And the more we can do that in a way that your dog understands, the more freedom and experiences your dog will be able to have.
We all recognize a dog that needs training -they’re pretty easy to spot. But don’t forget that your “pretty good” dog could become an incredible companion through training.
And who wouldn’t want the dog that’s the envy of the neighborhood?