Field trip with Opal and Loki

Field trips are a huge part of our board and train program. We want to make sure that your dog understands how to focus and perform all of their commands, whether at home, or in a busy environment.

Check out this clip of Opal and Loki working at a local park last week. We had different goals for each dog, but the process is really similar.

For Loki, we are building up her confidence around things she usually finds scary and overwhelming. The balls hitting the rackets, the people running around and yelling out calls… they’re all overstimulating for her. And typically when she feels that way, she lunges, barks, or runs away. So we’re teaching her how to deal with that stress in a healthy way, and hopefully convince her that the world isn’t such a scary place!

For Opal, we’re working on impulse control. This girl loves to be right in the middle of everything, so we’re working on heel around lots of people and noises, and lots of down-stays and recall. All of this practice will solidify our expectations for her: stay focused and calm, and wait for my OK to go be silly and play!

Both dogs did great and I’m so proud of them.