Bruno’s leash progression

Remember Bruno? I finally had a chance to put together some of his walking clips to show you guys his progress.

He came in pulling and leash reactive to other dogs, and just completely uninterested in the person at the other end of the leash. He’s a big guy and could easily pull his family around, and with a little one in the stroller, that just wasn’t safe for anyone. So we got to work on day one with leash skills, introducing him to the appropriate tools, and teaching him our new expectations.

He’s a smart guy and picked up on it. But here’s the deal with a stubborn dog like this: just because he knows the expectations doesn’t mean he’s always going to choose to follow them. It’s much more fun and rewarding for him to pull away and do what he wants. So his family is working hard on consistency, not only in their overall expectations of him, but between family members. Once he understands the clear boundaries, he’ll start to internalize this as the new way we do things.

His family is active, so he has a wonderful life full of adventure ahead of him!