Little dogs deserve training, too!

Just because your little pup doesn’t pull you around town as hard as the big Labradors and boxers, doesn’t mean it’s fun to have them twist, pull, zig-zag, and bark their way through the neighborhood. Little dogs (and their owners) deserve training, too!

Questions we often get about training little dogs:

  • How would you train my little one?
    • The same way we train the big ones! With individualized training plans to meet your goals.
  • She’s scared of big dogs. Can we avoid them?
    • Nope! While we’ll never force her to be friends with the big guys, we are going to teach her to feel comfortable and confident in their company.
  • I like when she jumps on me. Do I have to stop that?
    • Not necessarily… I will guide you toward behaviors that I believe will be healthier for your relationship, but as the owner, you ultimately get to decide what works best for you.