Crate training protocol

We’re really excited to show you this new technique for crate training that we learned from Julie’s Canine Academy out east. We’ll break everything down for you, from e-collar conditioning, expectations, and troubleshooting.

You’ll also get to see it in action with training dog Penny. It looks a little sloppy with her because it usually is! We wanted to show you the raw footage, the messiness, and with that, the consistency required to help your dog learn the new expectations for the crate.

Crate training is tough because we’re usually dealing with some pretty tough behaviors -barking, whining, chewing, digging. If you feel overwhelmed, get professional help. But if you have the tools, desire, and patience to try it yourself, then go for it! Just remember that this takes time, so be patient and consistent. Results will come! And with this technique, they’ll come a whole lot faster.

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