Functions of the ET-302 E-Collar Technologies System

If you’re learning how to work with your new ET-302 system from E-Collar Technologies, you’re going to want to take it slow and really get to know your system. The buttons function differently when you have two dog collars paired to one remote, and it takes time and practice to get used to them.

We’ll run over the three main functions that we believe you need to know when working with your two-dog system:

  • Setting each dog’s individual stimulus level
  • Using the tone feature to communicate with each dog
  • Turning each collar’s LED light on and off

There is so much more to e-collar training than these three basics. So don’t expect to learn how to e-collar train your dog from this video. But it is a great start to fully understand what the buttons do, how to communicate with each individual dog, and how to confidently start using your new system.

If you are looking to train your dog on an e-collar, please make sure that you are using a high-quality brand, and getting the help from a professional trainer. There are a lot of nuances that go into e-collar training, and with so many benefits available to you when working with this tool, we want to make sure you’re set up for success from the start.