You get what you pet

Have you ever heard someone say “you get what you pet”? We’re talking about your dog’s energy and behavior.

Petting is incredibly rewarding for your dog. When you pet your dog, you are essentially telling her that whatever she just did or is currently doing is good and earns her a reward. So if you pet your dog when she is panicked, jumping, barking, or whining, you are telling her that those behaviors will get her your attention. And if she gets your attention through these behaviors, she’ll start doing them more often.

On the other hand, if you pet your dog when she greets you calmly, sits quietly while you make dinner, and patiently watches the mailman walk past, then she’s going to understand that calm behaviors earn your attention.

You can influence what behaviors your dog exhibits simply by choosing when you pet your dog. If you are struggling with your dog’s behavior, start paying attention to when you pet her. You may just find that you are unknowingly rewarding her for behaviors that you don’t want.