Training for everyday life

Training doesn’t need to be overly complicated. It should fit into your daily routine.

A few months ago, I had bought a new crate for the car. Rather than let the dogs run around like hooligans, I used this time to practice their self-control. They don’t need to be part of everything I’m doing, but they also don’t need to be stuck inside all day. Teach your dogs to be patient when you need it. It’s an invaluable skill that we use every day here.

You’ll notice that I go inside at one point (Molly is back-tied for safety), but both dogs stay in command. Once your dog knows the rules, it shouldn’t matter where you are or where you go. You’ll also see that Copper needed to stretch his legs out after a while, so I move him to the car to finish his place time. Remember, anything can be used for place once you teach your dog boundaries.)