Puppy Training: Teaching a puppy to down on place automatically

Puppy training takes patience, so I love that I captured this moment in Patriot’s training that was all about waiting for him to problem solve. In this video you’ll see a really cool learning moment in Patriot’s training. He knows place, and he knows down. So now we’re pairing them together, the end goal being that he will get on place and down automatically. So we start by telling him “Place, down, break. Place, down, break. Place, down, break.” We put in a lot of repetitions so that he would start to see the pattern. Now we’re telling him “Place” and then waiting to see if he can do the next behavior in the sequence (down). He has a tough repetition where he’s trying to figure out what to do, and then it clicks and he starts downing every time we tell him place. It’s so cool to watch these little guys problem solve!