Walk Two Dogs Together

Do you have two dogs that have their own agendas on walks? Maybe your solution has been to walk them separate, or to walk them really early or really late in the day to avoid distractions. That sounds exhausting, but we hear this all the time! What if I told you that you can walk two dogs at once? Yes, even your two dogs that love to pull you around like a sled dog. ItContinue reading “Walk Two Dogs Together”

Madison Water Quality

For all of our water-loving dogs out there, this one’s for you! Make sure that you save this page and check back before taking your pup to the beach. Water health and safety is incredibly important with dogs, because they can and will lap up that water on a hot day. The last thing we want is a sick dog after a fun day in the water. Stay cool and have with your pups thisContinue reading “Madison Water Quality”

Dogs and Fireworks – what can you do?

Dogs and fireworks don’t mix very well. Fireworks are loud and unpredictable and are incredibly scary for our pups. And every year there are countless reports of dogs that go missing or run away because they were spooked by the big booms that the rest of us enjoy. So what can you do? You can take this one easy step to prevent your family from losing your dog. Grab a leash, ideally a slip leashContinue reading “Dogs and Fireworks – what can you do?”

April Group Walk – Our Biggest Walk Yet!

Did you know we do monthly group walks with all of our program graduates?? They’re one of our favorite ways to stay connected with our clients and provide long-term support. Despite the cold and snow, we had a fantastic turnout with 13 dogs for our April group walk! These dogs and their owners are working on everything from reactivity, over-arousal, listening around distractions, and so much more. And we can’t even begin to put intoContinue reading “April Group Walk – Our Biggest Walk Yet!”

Celebrating 2 Years in Business!

We are celebrating two years in business today! What a two years it has been. From opening a business during a pandemic, to building our programs and our team in some big and unexpected ways, these past two years look nothing like we could have imagined. And we wouldn’t change it for the world. We are so thankful for the 77 (wow!) families that have trusted us to help guide them and their dogs intoContinue reading “Celebrating 2 Years in Business!”

Don’t Forget to Have Fun With Your Dog

We are dog trainers. I think you know that. Which means we spend a lot of time talking about how to work on your dog’s behaviors, work through issues, reach new goals. But did you know that we also use A LOT of play to help your dogs learn? Playtime is a great way to connect with your dog, build a strong bond, have fun, release some stress, build confidence, try a new skill… andContinue reading “Don’t Forget to Have Fun With Your Dog”

Functions of the ET-302 E-Collar Technologies System

If you’re learning how to work with your new ET-302 system from E-Collar Technologies, you’re going to want to take it slow and really get to know your system. The buttons function differently when you have two dog collars paired to one remote, and it takes time and practice to get used to them. We’ll run over the three main functions that we believe you need to know when working with your two-dog system: SettingContinue reading “Functions of the ET-302 E-Collar Technologies System”

Can My Old Dog Be Trained?

Yes! Your dog is never too old for training. And neither are you! Now that doesn’t mean that age doesn’t have an affect on your dog’s training. The older a dog is, the longer it has had to practice any number of behaviors, both good and bad. But don’t let your old dog fool you into believing that she’s too old and you’re now stuck with her behaviors forever. Yes, it is true that weContinue reading “Can My Old Dog Be Trained?”