Do You Have a Bad Dog, or a Tired Dog?

We often like to compare dogs and toddlers when talking about behavior training. Of course they’re both cute and cuddly and steal our hearts instantly, but they are also incredibly similar when it comes to their naptime needs… Think about an overly tired toddler. How does she behave? She gets fussy, throws a tantrum, stops listening as well, and is not the most fun human to be around. And a tired dog? Fussy, behaviors becomeContinue reading “Do You Have a Bad Dog, or a Tired Dog?”

Setting SMART Goals

‘Tis the season to set new goals (aka New Year’s Resolutions)! But if we’re not careful about it, we’ll end up spiraling into the same old habit of giving up too soon. So how can we set some goals that we can actually meet? And how can we set those goals in relation to our dogs? What do we mean by SMART goals? In order for goals to work, they need to be SMART. ThisContinue reading “Setting SMART Goals”

How Much Does Dog Training Cost?

If you’re searching for the best dog trainer for your family, you’ve likely run into lots of options, including a wide range of price points. And with such a wide range of pricing options, it can be hard to decide who to trust and where to commit your time and energy. So let’s break down your options so that you can make the best decision for you, your dog, and your future. Training goals WhenContinue reading “How Much Does Dog Training Cost?”

9 Easy Ways to Get Your Dog Exercise This Winter

Alright Wisconsinites. Getting your dog exercise year-round is important for both physical and mental health. But are we ever really ready for the transition to bitter cold days and our dogs’ ongoing physical demands? Sometimes it’s just too cold to get out for a nice walk or playtime, but that doesn’t mean your dog doesn’t have energy to burn. And if you don’t find a way to get that energy out, you’re going to noticeContinue reading “9 Easy Ways to Get Your Dog Exercise This Winter”

Top Picks for the Best Dog Gear

It’s never the wrong time to load up on some new dog gear. We’ve compiled a list of our favorite dog toys, training materials, and safety gear to take the guesswork out of your shopping this year. Whether you want to spoil your pup with something fun, or you need an idea to start on your training journey, we have you covered! Dog Booties Let’s protect those paws this winter from the cold and iceContinue reading “Top Picks for the Best Dog Gear”

Teaching the Place Command for Better Manners

We often hear “That dog is so well-behaved! My dog could never do that!” I’m saying, no way! Any dog can learn how to be calm and relaxed around distractions if you take the time to show them how. Here’s Kasha, a 6 month old doodle, learning for the FIRST time how to relax around another dog. He absolutely loves people and dogs, so without boundaries, he would be in everyone’s faces trying to playContinue reading “Teaching the Place Command for Better Manners”

Training my dog is so frustrating!

Training your dog is supposed to be fun! The trainers on YouTube and Instagram and out working in public make it look so easy. So why does it make you want to pull your hair out at times? All of the theories and ideas sound wonderful until you put them into practice. Then you realize that it’s a little bit messy, a little uncomfortable, and full of ups and downs. Even as professional trainers, weContinue reading “Training my dog is so frustrating!”

Holidays + Dogs

We all want a dog that can be involved in our family’s holiday activities. But what if that’s just not your pup? What if she gets overwhelmed with all of the cousins running around, or isn’t afraid to jump on the table to steal the turkey? That could easily ruin the day! Here are some basic tips that you can do to help your dog feel calm, relaxed, and stay out of trouble this holidayContinue reading “Holidays + Dogs”