Help! My dog pulls me everywhere!

Leash skills are the #1 request that dog owners come to us with. And that makes sense! Having a dog that pulls, lunges, barks, and completely ignores you on walks is incredibly frustrating. And embarrassing. And can make you feel trapped in your own home, unable to enjoy life with your dog. There is a simple technique that we teach to every dog owner, and it’s time we start spreading the word! It’s called: DrivewayContinue reading “Help! My dog pulls me everywhere!”

Hiking with dogs

We are getting into some beautiful fall weather -our personal favorite for hiking with our dogs. Before you hit the trails, you may want to consider the following: Make sure you bring enough water for you and your dog. Confidently advocate for your dog by giving her extra space when you pass other people and dogs. Keep a close eye out for poison ivy. Brings treats to keep your dog’s attention and to reward forContinue reading “Hiking with dogs”

Little dogs deserve training, too!

Just because your little pup doesn’t pull you around town as hard as the big Labradors and boxers, doesn’t mean it’s fun to have them twist, pull, zig-zag, and bark their way through the neighborhood. Little dogs (and their owners) deserve training, too! Questions we often get about training little dogs: How would you train my little one? The same way we train the big ones! With individualized training plans to meet your goals. She’sContinue reading “Little dogs deserve training, too!”

Why won’t my dog listen?

“Why won’t my dog listen?” This is a big question that we get a lot from frustrated dog owners. “Why won’t my dog… Come when I call? Stop jumping on visitors? Listen when it sees a squirrel? There are two main things happening here that we see pretty consistently across the board. First: whatever your dog is doing is much more rewarding that what you want it to do. Think about it. If the choicesContinue reading “Why won’t my dog listen?”

Crate training protocol

We’re really excited to show you this new technique for crate training that we learned from Julie’s Canine Academy out east. We’ll break everything down for you, from e-collar conditioning, expectations, and troubleshooting. You’ll also get to see it in action with training dog Penny. It looks a little sloppy with her because it usually is! We wanted to show you the raw footage, the messiness, and with that, the consistency required to help yourContinue reading “Crate training protocol”

Day training – school for dogs!

Day training is our newest and, dare we say, best program! It’s like school for dogs! Your dog comes for a full day of training, play, socializing, and more training with our experienced trainers. Meanwhile, you get to focus on you without any puppy interruptions during the day. Each week, you’ll receive one lesson to learn what your dog has been working on, and we’ll show you how to incorporate those new skills into yourContinue reading “Day training – school for dogs!”