Our Doggy Day Jobs Program Is Now Live!

Doggy Day Jobs is a program designed exclusively for program graduates. It’s like Doggy Daycare, but so much more!

When your pup arrives for her Doggy Day Job, she will be surrounded by her puppy friends for a day full of fun and adventure. We’ll sprinkle in lots of play time, lots of training time, and lots of time to bond with the other training pups and their favorite trainers.

When at her Doggy Day Job, your pup will continue improving her skills in a fun and safe environment with a team that truly knows and cares for her (because we helped you train her!). She’ll refresh her leash skills, adventure to parks and local dog-friendly stores, practice recall in the big world, learn new skills like treat toys, and so much more.

Lots of training dogs that come through our programs aren’t the right fit for Doggy Daycare. And that’s OK! They don’t like being around lots of dogs, they’re sensitive to new people and sounds, or they just need more structure in their days to be successful. That’s where we come in!

On any given day, your dog will go on a walk with multiple dogs in our training programs. She’ll practice calm crate manners. She’ll walk calmly in and out of doors. She’ll calmly greet our training team for lots of love and treats. She’ll go on field trips to practice her skills out in the real world. She’ll place (and probably take a relaxing nap) with a room full of other dogs that are also here for their Doggy Day Jobs. You won’t get this level of individualized care, training, and commitment from a doggy daycare.

Doggy Day Jobs are the perfect way to turn your pup’s post-training blues into tail-wagging excitement. Unleash her inner workaholic and join our growing pack of graduates eager to grow and teach our newest trainees exactly what it looks like to be the bark of the town!

Dog-Friendly Business to Visit in Madison, WI


We believe in getting out and enjoying all that Madison has to offer with our dogs! The following businesses have graciously invited well-behaved dogs into their spaces. We love sharing these spaces with you, so please follow their guidelines and keep your dog on a leash and under control so that they continue to invite us in!

Some of our favorite dog-friendly patios:

Businesses: Dog owners are always looking for new ways to spend time with their dogs! Want to make yourself known as a dog-friendly facility? Let us know and we’ll happily add you to our list and come by for a visit!

Canine Respiratory Disease – What You Need to Know

Hello friend,

Perhaps you’ve heard of the new respiratory illness affecting dogs recently. It has not reached Wisconsin yet, but we want you to be prepared if it should come this way. There are still a lot of unknowns, but there are a few things that we can all do to help keep our community of dogs healthy:

  • If you notice your dog not feeling well, please keep her home. Common symptoms are:
    • Coughing
    • Sneezing
    • Decreased appetite
    • Nose or eye discharge
    • Lethargy.
  • If symptoms persist or worsen, please talk to your vet right away.
  • Don’t expose your dog unnecessarily to groups of dogs right now. This means limiting time spent at doggy daycare, boarding facilities, and the dog park if you are unsure about the health of the other dogs.

What are we doing on our end?

  • We’ll continue cleaning our facility daily.
  • We’ll monitor for any symptoms in our training dogs. If your dog comes in with, or develops any symptoms while in our care, she will be separated from the group and sent home immediately. Don’t worry -you won’t lose any training time. Any time your dog is out while sick will be made up once she’s well again.

As we learn more about this illness, we will continue to support your family in keeping everyone healthy. Please follow along with the Cornell University Vet School for up-to-date information.

And as always, please reach out to any member of our team if you have any concerns. 

Best, Allison

Doggy Daycare VS. Puppy School: What’s Right For Your Family?

Want to get your pup out of the house, playing with her puppies, and learning some new skills? There are a lot of options out there! Before you rush into your closest doggy daycare, there are a few things we want you to consider. Are daycares bad? No, but they may not be the best fit for your family and your goals.

Take a look at what your pup could get from daycare vs. our Puppy School Program! There are options. Make sure you’re choosing the best one for your family.

Why Choose Puppy School For Your Pup?

Our Puppy School program has been such a huge hit! These pups have no idea that they are learning with all of the fun that they’re having. 🥳

Our Puppy School graduates 👩‍🎓 leave our program understanding recall, calm crate manners, name recognition, potty training, basic leash skills, and so much more. Their families are graduating with tons of puppy training and materials in-hand on puppy biting, preventing unwanted behaviors, and don’t forget that lifetime support!

Want to start your pup off with a solid foundation? We only have three spots left in January – claim yours today! 🐕

In the 608 Story Highlight

We had the privilege of meeting up with the team from “In the 608” at Channel 3 to do a story today on our new facility, our first-in-state training programs, and our open house coming this Saturday! So thankful for this partnership and sharing the word with our community. Take a listen here:

If you’re looking for more information on our Open House, including our list of free door prizes, training programs, FREE training presentations all morning, and more, you can check out our event page here. All events are free and open to the public.

Teach your dog to stay in command

Do you feel like you can’t get your dog to stay still for more than two seconds? Have you ever felt like your dog just doesn’t listen when you ask her to sit? Or she’ll run away as soon as you give her a treat?

That’s so frustrating!

But it might be that your dog just doesn’t understand what you want her to do. Watch as we teach a 5 month old puppy how to stay in his sit command until we release him. It looks a little sloppy because he’s learning, but with repetition, he’ll understand in no time!

Be patient, and don’t be afraid to get a little goofy. If you have fun, your dog will have fun, too!

July 2022 Group Walk

We always have so much fun seeing our program graduates for our monthly group walks. This is a great time for us to check in, help with anything you’re struggling with, and push you just a little bit outside of your comfort zone. Our trainers are here to make sure everyone is having fun, staying safe, and feeling confident and successful at the end of our walks.

Can’t wait to see everyone next month!