International Self-Care Day

We’ve talked about self-care a lot this month. Dog training is about more than just training your dog. It is about training ourselves to be stronger, more consistent, and more stable for our dogs. If you truly want to lead your dog, you need to start by taking care of yourself.

This year has been one of many unexpected twists and turns that can wear you down pretty quickly if you let them. This International Self-Care Day, do something that builds you up, revives your energy, and gives you strength. You deserve it.

Visit here for more information on the seven pillars of self-care:

Address Behaviors that Affect Your Dog’s Mindset

It’s so easy to focus on the tangible behaviors that we can easily address: sit, come, stay, down. Those are important for having a well-rounded dog, but obedience commands are only a piece of the puzzle.

It’s important that we also address the behaviors that affect our dogs’ mindsets. Whining, panting, following us around the house, etc. are all signs that our dogs are uncomfortable, uneasy, anxious. How can we expect them to relax and meet our expectations when they are in an aroused state like this?

Let’s work on addressing our dogs’ state of mind so that they can truly relax. Then we will truly see a dog living up to its full potential.

Recall to Place Cot with Piper

Piper is selective when it comes to recall. If she’s into something interesting, there’s a good chance that she won’t come when called. So we’re working on her recall in a controlled environment here so that she can really learn a) exactly what “come” means, and b) that she needs to come immediately. Once she has a good understanding, we’ll up the distractions and really test her. But for now, we’re in the learning phase where there’s lots of repetitions and lots of treats to help her out.

Dogs and Thunder

Dogs and thunder. If your dog is afraid of loud noises, please take them outside on a leash during thunderstorms. Fear can make dogs act unpredictably, including run away. If you have them on leash, you can keep them close and get them back inside safely and quickly.

Operations Update

We are still open while continuing to follow safe and healthy practices during this time! The health of our clients, our staff, and our community is our top priority at this time. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out. We value your feedback!

When Should You Ask for Help?

Asking for help can be scary, but we want you to know that we are here for you! If you are feeling stuck, overwhelmed, or just aren’t sure where to go next, come talk to us! Our friendly staff strives to make everyone feel welcomed, encouraged, and valued as part of our training family.